Sand Tray is a use in Play Therapy . It is often used with children, but it can also be applied to adults and teens. While sand tray therapy can be applied in couples and group settings, it is meant for individuals. It allows a person to construct their own microcosm using miniature toys and sand tray. The scene created acts as a reflection of the person’s own life and allows them the opportunity to resolve conflicts, remove obstacles, and gain acceptance of self.

  • Category: mentoring and sand tray therapy
  • Duration: 01:00 Hours
  • Address: Vissershok Road, D`urbanvale, Cape Town, South Africa (Map)
  • More Info: P.O.Box 3300




   A child ( adult or teen) uses miniature toys and creates a picture or representation of his or her life in a "sand tray"

This activity gives the child a platform  to explain his or her emotions and feelings in a literal story form. This therapy is very effective for young children and those who struggle to communicate their story or have little understanding of what they are feeling.